In this area of the will be information for what you need to know about travelling over to MokeFest 2013 in Western Australia from the Eastern side of the country
Thanks to Sahara Dust who drove across the Nullabor in April and recorded the fuel prices and availability along the way so you can be scared by just how expensive it is going to be to top up your tank if you are not used to remote travel. Still that is no excuse not go to MokeFest 2013. Grant and Sharon also recorded other useful information that might help with your planning across this fairly remote stretch.
At Ceduna we leave civilasation for a few days as we begin our drive across the Nullabor aiming for the WA/SA border with the overnight stop planned at Eucla, however if you prefer you may stay at the Border Village 13km before Eucla. Details subject to change, however there are not too many options to stay anywhere but the Roadhouses.
Departing from either the Border Village or Eucla bright and early we make our way on the Western Australian side of the border for our overnight stop at Balladonia. Today we get to tie a rope on the steering wheel as we do 146.6km of the longest straight piece of road in Australia and hope to visit the Cocklebiddy caves for a quick look.
The first part of the day will the drive to Norseman, considered the end of the Nullabor crossing, where we expect to separate into two groups one to head north to Kalgoorlie-Boulder and the other group heading south to Esperance. Which direction people take will generally be decided by their plans to drive home, but from here until Perth the plans are a little more flexible depending on the group you are travelling with.