Wednesday at the Moke Round up started off with about 14 mokes in attendance and even organiser Newie has been running around in his own Moke, althiough he was in the passenger seat for most of the trip out for the day. For a totally unbiased and objective view of the proceeding so far you might need to look elsewhere, for my take on the proceedings, read on McDuff.

Thursday has come and almost gone with the crowd here probably doubling in size by this evening with most people at the moment hanging around Moke Central eating bbq sausages in bread and watching Moke2B project a blue screen from his computer onto a bed sheet flapping in the winding. :) The day sort of went to plan until....

After an evening light show of the natural kind but fortunately no rain, Friday morning started off pretty brisk but another nice clear sky for a day of driving which turned out to be very warm at times. The morning started with the gathering of the various Mokes on the lawns at Moke central and then Newie providing the run down of what would be happening for the day, or at least what he thought ould be happening for the day. :)

round up colour poster

The Tamworth Moke Roundup is on again, this time being held during the first week of November 2012 with nearly a weeks worth of activities and socialising planned to keep everyone involved and excited.

The Roundup will be based at Austin Tourist Park, aka Moke Central, on the New England Highway on the northern side of Tamworth. Google Maps link is here.