The Mokin' DownUnder event will be four days of activities, displays and day tours based in and around Hobart that should give you plenty of time to socialise with other Mokers and see what Old Hobart town has to offer. The local politicians are letting us park on their front lawn on Saturday morning which is very handy free parking to the famous Salamanca Markets and Moke Central is close to the Airport. Click the heading to read more and get details on the accommodation.
Hobart Airport Tourist Park will be Moke Central while we are in Hobart and will serve as the Hub of our activities from Wednesday afternoon on the 4th through to Monday morning of the 9th of March and not surprisingly it is located adjacent to the Hobart Airport at Cambridge, about 10 minutes via freeway for the run into Hobart city.
To Make a booking at Hobart Airport Toursit Park
Rosie is the contact here on 0362 484 551 and again cabins and sites are being held under Mokin' DownUnder 2015 or Rod Owers (as computer system needed a name) and most will need to book in for Wednesday 4th and out on Monday 9th. Website is
There is a time limit on how long Rosie will hold sites and cabins for us, so if you are definitely going, book now and avoid the tears of missing out. Other accommodation types are available in Hobart (Google Hobart accommodation) along with a Travelodge Motel adjacent to the Moke Central.
The Schedule So Far
Thursday 5th March will be a day for rest for many as you will just have completed the Western Wander or have had a drive down from Devonport. A trip into the city, a visit to the Museum of Old and New Art (MONA) or a drive over to Richmond will be activities for the day.
Friday 6th March is a drive down to the Historic Site of Port Arthur. The distance there is only about 90km however some sightseeing on the way down will make it a 2-3 hour drive. Arrival at Port Arthur around lunchtime will allow those that want to explore the site all afternoon whilst others may choose to take some other drives and a different route back.
Saturday 7th March provides an outing for everyone. For Moke owners there is the showing of our special marque on the lawns of Parliament House conveniently located right next to Salamanca Markets an attraction for every Tasmanian visitor on a Saturday morning. An early lunch around the Markets and then a drive up to the top of Mount Wellington right behind the city of Hobart. Every chance that snow will greet us as we approach the top. Then back to Moke Central to celebrate my birthday.
Sunday 8th March will see us travel further south to Geeveston about a 3 hour drive allowing for a few stops on the way. From there some will venture out to the Tahune Air Walk and others may travel further south to Dover whilst some may wish to drive back to Huonville where we understand a food festival will be under way. There is also the chance for some dirt road driving.
Monday 9th March we say farewell for now, some will head back to catch the boat that night whilst many will explore our East Coast as they find their way back to Devonport. For us Tasmanians we will say thank you for coming.
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