The Mokerists from the Eastern states will make their way to Port Augusta in South Australia to meet up on Monday the 16th of September or Tuesday morning at 9am at the latest. For those arriving earlier you may like to consider the earlier plan of staying in or at least visiting Quorn and just move down to Port Augusta for the Monday night. There are a few reasons why we are meeting here rather than say a large city like Adelaide so read on and I will explain.
This isn't the first reason but it is the one that will make sense to most people and that is picking a meeting point anywhere else would mean one or more groups would have to go out of their way or back track in some manner to get there. Port Augusta is on everyone's route west and Quorn is just a little north, 30km, so it is pretty fair on everyone.
Although the meeting point is now Port Augusta, Quorn was chosen as it is not to far out of the way, has a few touristy things to do and look at and in generally was really just somewhere more appealing to meet up and had something for people who arrived early.
However Port Augusta is a big regional town and this gives it the advantage for last minutes supplies and maintenance if need be and might be easier to get a clean start for the day rather than driving from Quorn and the waiting around for the last minute shopping in PA.
For some of the Mokerists getting to Port Augusta or Quorn will be almost half way to Perth and they should be old hands at travelling in a Moke for days on end, for others it is still a day or two away.
The first few days of travel in a Moke tends to require a lot of little stops for quick adjustments and cars that have been ill prepared or just plain unlucky will tend to have problems in the first few days on the road. If you make it to Port Augusta you should be right for the main crossing and by having got those minor issues sorted in the first few days, the larger convoy will be able to travel a bit quicker and not be making too many unscheduled stops.
Provide your own details for 'Who are the Tourists' and keep an eye on what other people are writing and plan to meet up along the way with others to enjoy the journey and start your adventure with friends.